Study of Some Socio-Demographic Aspects of Defaulters in Animal Bite Cases at SBH Govt. Medical College, Dhule
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Research question: What are the Socio-demographic aspects of defaulters in animal bite cases?
1. To study the defaulter rate in animal bite cases?
2. To study the defaulters as per age, sexwise, residential status, socio-economic status.
Study Setting: Immunoprophylaxis clinic (IPC) at Govt. Medical College Dhule.
Study design: Hospital based prospective type of study.
Study participants: 3604 study subjects were participating during study period from January 2008- December 2008.
Statistical analysis: Chi-square test, proportion.
Results: A total of 3604 patient were attended the ARV clinic for treatment of animal bite. The overall defaulter rate was 36.40%, 26.29%of the defaulters were Males, While 10.19% were female. The defaulter rate in case of full treatment advised case is more (46.48%) as compare to advised case. The high rate of defaulter was seen in age group 15-19 years i.e. 24.70%. Out of 3604 studies subject 2188(60.72%) were in class II bite. Most of the study subject belongs to class-V socioeconomic status (50%). 65% defaulters were in class V socioeconomic status. Maximum number of study subjects were of class-II bite i.e. 2188(60.71%) followed by class-III bite i.e. 1112(30.85%). There were 304 (8.44%) study subjects in class-I bite.
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