Studies on Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR) and Acetyl Cholinesterase (AchE) Inhibitors and their Similar Structure for Alzheimer's Disease Using Hex
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia among older people, but it is not a normal part of ageing. It is established that a definite relationship between AD and Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and nicotinic acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR). Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are employed to reduce the rate at which acetylcholine (ACh) is broken down, thereby increasing the concentration of ACh in the brain and combating the loss of ACh caused by the death of cholinergic neurons. There are many drugs available to counter act the complications of AD. This paper aims to find out the difference between the available drugs and their similar structures to combat the modification nAChR and AchE by docking studies using Hex so as to pin point the best one among the various drugs and their similar structure for better treatment of AD. We observed that similar structure of Rivastigmine. (Bambuterol, Estramustine); Donepezil (Tetrabenazine, Benzquinamide) and Galantamine (Marinol and Deserpidine) are better on the ground better docking result. We studied 14 drugs and similar structures of some of the drugs by Hex docking method. The result showed that all these drugs are not docked well with nAChR having low negative energy. But the docking between AchE and all the drugs selected shows better docking with high negative energy but the similar structure of some of the drugs (Rivastigmine, Donepezil and Galantamine) are better than the mother drugs. Thus we conclude that an immediate drug development research project is needed to produce new generation drugs for AD at the genetic level with caution should be taken to diet factors in the proper age groups to prevent the onset of the disease in the bud condition.
Alzheimer’s Disease, Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor, Acetylcholinesterase, Drugbank, Drugs for AD
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