Developing Training Modules for Nurses in Safe Motherhood
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Maternal mortality remains a challenge in India. The current maternal mortality rate in India is 254 (India statistics, WHO, 2005). In Andhra Pradesh, the maternal mortality rate is 154 (2009) and the 2015 target is to reach below 100. The Each One save One (EOSO) program believes that no mother and child should lose their life in the natural process of childbirth. EOSO aims to reduce the incidence of maternal mortality in Andhra Pradesh by training student nurses on safe birthing practices.
The goals of the program are 1) to increase knowledge on safe birth practices among student nurses in Andhra Pradesh, India. 2) To improve the ability of nurses to identify complications during labor and to take quick action. And the objectives were that at the end of the program, 80% of the nurse participants at Modern Government Maternity Hospital will have an increase in knowledge about safe childbirth practices and complications.
Material and Methods
The program was run from 1st July 2010 to 30th August 2010. The program was targeted to the final year Bsc students of NIMS College and Laxmi College of nursing. The classes were conducted at the Modern Government Maternity Hospital, Hyderabad. There were a total of 61 nurses who attended the training modules. The program includes four educational training modules.
The mean score on pretests was 7, and the mean score on post test was 10. A paired t-test conducted on participants who took both pre and post test, showed the result to be statistically significant (p < 0.05). By the end of the program, 91% of the nurses had increase in knowledge, when compared with the pretest.
The Each One Save One program can be used to educate more student nurses throughout Andhra Pradesh and the other states of India, where there is a lack of instructors. Our study shows that there was significant increase in knowledge among the nurses following the intervention program. This knowledge when converted to action will help in reducing maternal mortality rates.
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