Fibroid Uterus - a Clinical Profile
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Background: Fibroid is the commonest tumor of the reproductive tract and frequently encountered problem in gynecological practice.
Aim and Objectives: To observe the frequency of uterine leiomyoma in relation to age, parity and clinical manifestations.
Material & Methods: Over a period of two years, 1827 hysterectomy specimen sent for histopathology was studied. Uteri with fibroids were included for the study. Clinical data including age, parity, menstrual pattern, presenting symptoms, surgical treatment history of these patients with fibroid was collected and analyzed.
Results: Hysterectomy specimens constituted 65.48% of the total gynecological specimen during the period of two years. Leiomyoma was diagnosed in 314 patients out of 1827 hysterectomies (17.18 %.) Greater frequency (83.45%) was found in late reproductive and perimenopausal years ie 4th and 5th decade with a mean age of 40.9 years. Most of the patients were parous (98.09%) with more than one child. Menorrhagia (46.17%) was the commonest symptom followed by dysmenorrhoea (22.09%). In 72.03% of cases uterus was between 6-12 weeks size.
Conclusion: Leiomyoma is the most common benign tumor of uterus occurring during reproductive age group. Incidence of leiomyoma is increasing in parous women. Patients with abnormal uterine bleeding have to be investigated to find out the exact etiology so that anemia due to prolonged blood loss is prevented and early therapeutic intervention prevents huge growth of the mass, thus preventing secondary complications.
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