Study of Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors and Value of CRP in Coronary Risk Determination in Semi Urban Population of Western U.P. India
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This study was conducted to identify the factors that increase the risk for coronary artery disease and is an extremely important area in health sciences. A total number of 300 patients (92% males and 8% females) were studied. They were divided into two groups, above 40 yrs and below 40 yrs of age.
In the first group (> 40 yrs.) total number of patients were 240 (80% of total 300 patients) .Among 240 patients males were 216(90 %) and females were 24 (10%). High cholesterol more than 200 mg /dl was present in 55% males and in 50 % females. High triglyceride >150 mg % was present in 50 % males and in 48 % female patients. High LDL was present in 30 % males and 25 % females. Low HDL was present in 50 % males and 45 % females. In second group (<40 yrs), all patients were males. High cholesterol was present in 58 % of cases. high triglyceride in 60 % cases low HDL in 50 %, and high LDL in 45 % . Smoking was present in 30 % cases. Hypertension was present in 35 % cases. Obesity was present in 40 % males and 45 %, females. Central obesity was present in 60 % males and 79 % females.
Association of age, high LDL cholesterol, and hypertension, high triglyceride in males and central obesity in females were recorded with CAD patients.
In the younger patients dyslipidemia was more common. Inflammatory markers such as CRP has limited usefulness in the prediction of CAD events over and above conventional risk factors.
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