Comparison of Inspiratory Muscle Training and Rib Raising Technique in Pulmonary Diseases Subjects
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Methodology: This experimental study was carried out with 30 subjects of COPD and RLD including both male and female subjects with a ratio of 5:1% at chest ward of Himalayan hospital-Dehradun. The data was collected by taking outcome variables in form of Heart rate, Mean Chest Expansion, Dyspnea, SPO2, Respiratory Rate, 6MWD test. Data Analysis: Data was analyzed with the help of parametric test in form of T-test and ANOVA followed by Post hoc test Bonferroni where required .The significant level set at (p?0.05).
Result: The comparison of result among all groups shows significant changes from day1 to day 3. IMT showed more significant improvement in form of functional capacity. Other than functional capacity no other variable has been able to differentiate among all groups.
Discussion: It states that IMT group showed better result as compared to other groups in improving functional capacity. The physiology behind IMT group's better result is increasing accessory muscles and inspiratory muscle strength which are the main affected target structures in pulmonary diseases.
Conclusions: IMT is better in improving functional capacity as compared to other groups, so it should be a valuable and compulsory tool of pulmonary rehabilitation.Keywords
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