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Effect of Neck Extensor Muscles Fatigue on Postural Control Using Balance Master

1 MGM College of Physiotherapy, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India
2 L.T.M.C. and Sion Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India

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Background: Poor postural performance is observed in patients suffering from neck pain and following Whiplash injuries. Fatigued muscles following the neck pathology are unable to transmit somatosensory information to the central nervous system, and hence upright postural control may be compromised. Hence there is need to investigate neck muscles fatigue and balance.

Objectives: 1.To assess the dynamic endurance of neck extensors till fatigue sets in.

2. To study the postural control pre and post fatigue in neck extensors.

Methods: 50 healthy students participated in the study. Balance assessment was done on balance master with modified clinical test of sensory interaction and balance. Fatigue was induced in neck extensor muscles using pressure biofeedback apparatus in supine position. The posturographic data of sway velocity was obtained pre and post fatigue & analyzed with paired't' test.

Results: Postural sway velocities in mCTSIB test showed significant difference after inducing fatigue in neck extensors (mean 0.14+0.22, P

Conclusion: It is speculated that from the fatigued neck muscles, altered sensory input leading to abnormal central processing may compromise balance, thereby reflecting a notable change in postural sway.


Fatigues, Postural Control, Sway Velocity
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  • Effect of Neck Extensor Muscles Fatigue on Postural Control Using Balance Master

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Reshma S. Gurav
MGM College of Physiotherapy, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India
Rajashree V. Naik
L.T.M.C. and Sion Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India


Background: Poor postural performance is observed in patients suffering from neck pain and following Whiplash injuries. Fatigued muscles following the neck pathology are unable to transmit somatosensory information to the central nervous system, and hence upright postural control may be compromised. Hence there is need to investigate neck muscles fatigue and balance.

Objectives: 1.To assess the dynamic endurance of neck extensors till fatigue sets in.

2. To study the postural control pre and post fatigue in neck extensors.

Methods: 50 healthy students participated in the study. Balance assessment was done on balance master with modified clinical test of sensory interaction and balance. Fatigue was induced in neck extensor muscles using pressure biofeedback apparatus in supine position. The posturographic data of sway velocity was obtained pre and post fatigue & analyzed with paired't' test.

Results: Postural sway velocities in mCTSIB test showed significant difference after inducing fatigue in neck extensors (mean 0.14+0.22, P

Conclusion: It is speculated that from the fatigued neck muscles, altered sensory input leading to abnormal central processing may compromise balance, thereby reflecting a notable change in postural sway.


Fatigues, Postural Control, Sway Velocity
