Effect of Incentive Spirometry on Cardiac Autonomic Functions in Normal Healthy Subjects
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Material & Method: 30 subjects (n=15 in Study group and n=15 in Control group) were included in this study. The duration of study was 3 months. Primary outcome measures included cardiac autonomic function tests. Outcome measures were recorded before and 3 months after the study.
Result: 3 months practice of Incentive Spirometry resulted in statistically significant change (p < 0.05) in following parameters - Basal heart rate, Immediate maximum heart rate, Steady state heart rate, Steady State heart rate (time in seconds) during heart rate response to Standing test; Minimum heart rate and Deep Breathing Difference (DBD) during heart rate response to Deep Breathing test.
Conclusion: 3 months practice of Incentive Spirometry changes autonomic function response.
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