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Effectiveness of Core Muscle Stabilization Training on Dynamic Balance in Mechanical Low Back Pain Patients

1 Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, DMIMS (DU) Sawangi (M) Wardha, India

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Objective: To assess & find the effect of core muscle stabilization training on dynamic balance in mechanical low back pain patients.

Design: Prospective Experimental Study.

Participants and Outcome Measure: 30 Subjects with Mechanical Low Back Pain were selected and Core Muscle Stability Training was given. Outcome measures were recorded pre & post training program using STAR Excursion test.

Result: Data was collected & analysed using Student's paired t-test to determine changes in dynamic balance, whereas correlation was done amongst right & left lower limb in each direction pre & post training, it showed a significant difference in anterior, anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, posterior & anteromedial directions of right lower limb and anterior, anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, posterior, posteromedial and anteromedial directions of left lower limb.

Conclusion: Core stabilisation training is significantly effective in improving dynamic balance in mechanical low back pain patients.


Core muscle stabilization training, Dynamic balance, STAR Excursion Test
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  • Effectiveness of Core Muscle Stabilization Training on Dynamic Balance in Mechanical Low Back Pain Patients

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Apeksha O. Yadav
Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, DMIMS (DU) Sawangi (M) Wardha, India
Ketaki G. Deshmukh
Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, DMIMS (DU) Sawangi (M) Wardha, India


Objective: To assess & find the effect of core muscle stabilization training on dynamic balance in mechanical low back pain patients.

Design: Prospective Experimental Study.

Participants and Outcome Measure: 30 Subjects with Mechanical Low Back Pain were selected and Core Muscle Stability Training was given. Outcome measures were recorded pre & post training program using STAR Excursion test.

Result: Data was collected & analysed using Student's paired t-test to determine changes in dynamic balance, whereas correlation was done amongst right & left lower limb in each direction pre & post training, it showed a significant difference in anterior, anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, posterior & anteromedial directions of right lower limb and anterior, anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, posterior, posteromedial and anteromedial directions of left lower limb.

Conclusion: Core stabilisation training is significantly effective in improving dynamic balance in mechanical low back pain patients.


Core muscle stabilization training, Dynamic balance, STAR Excursion Test
