A Comparative Study between Relaxation Technique and Aerobic Exercise in Fatigue During Chemotherapy in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children
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Materials and Method: 40 patients refereed by private oncologist, from government Wenlock hospital were randomly divided in two groups: Group-A received Aerobic exercise, Group-B received Jacobson's Relaxation technique. Each group received 20 min of intervention daily for a period of 3 weeks. Pre test fatigue level assessment done by Piper Fatigue Scale. After 3 weeks of Exercise protocol given for both groups, fatigue level assessment was again done by Piper Fatigue Scale.
Results: There was a significant reduction in level of fatigue in both groups, but more reduction is seen in group receiving Relaxation technique. So this study is highly significant in favor of Group B. (p < 0.01).
Discussion and Conclusion: Relaxation technique helps them to reduce disease related or treatment related stress and possibly Relaxation technique is easy to perform for children and children enjoy doing that. This study concludes that Relaxation technique is more effective in reduction of fatigue than Aerobic exercise in children.
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