To Study the Characteristics and efficacy of 820 Nm GA-Al-As Diode Laser for the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis among Porters/Coolies in Kumaun Region, India: A Randomized Clinical Trial
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Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of 820 nm Ga-Al-As diode laser in the treatment of plantar fasciitis & to establish the status of diode laser as a popular modality for the treatment of plantar fasciitis where work exposure is a causative factor
Method: Eighty (80) subjects were selected on the basis of the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were recruited randomly to either 820nm Ga-Al-As diode laser (experimental group) or dummy irradiation (placebo group).
Result: Overall results showed significant difference in VAS, FFI and DF from 0 week to 4th week in Group A indicating that the rate of improvement in Group A was more than Group B. Hence concluding the positive contribution of therapeutic modality for pain relief, increasing functional ability and increasing ROM (DF) whereas no difference was seen in (PF) ROM
Conclusion: The present study finds that LLLT using Ga-Al-As diode laser at the parameters shown is a safe and effective treatment method for the patients having plantar fasciitis.
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