Effect of Neuro Developmental Therapy Based Trunk Protocol on Gross Motor Development of Sitting Posture and Functional Reach Ability in Cerebralpalsychildren
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AIM: To know the efficacy of NDT based trunk protocol on Gross motor function in children with Cerebral palsy.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of NDT Trunk protocol on sitting postural control by GMFM and functional reach test.
Methodology: 30 C.P Children were divided in to the groups, Group 1 received NDT Trunk Coactivation protocol (n=15). It contains Trunk (Sagittal) flexion - extension, side flexion and weight shifts (Frontal) and Trunk Rotations (Transverse) for a period of 30-45 minutes for 4 weeks. Group 2 received conventional physiotherapy with activities for a period of 30-45 min, for 4 weeks.
Statistical analysis: Unpaired t-test has been carried out to observe the treatment impact between groups before and after the treatment.
Results: After 4 weeks treatment period, subjects in group 1 (NDT Trunk protocol) compared with subjects in group II (conventional therapy) had a statistically significant improvement with outcome measures at 0.05 level
Conclusion: NDT trunk activation protocol was found to be effective in improving sitting postural control and helps in enhancing functional reach ability in cerebral palsy children.
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