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Prevalence of Post Stroke Shoulder Subluxation and Pain
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Objective: To study the occurrence of shoulder subluxation, shoulder pain in stroke patients and to identify its effect on daily life activities of the patient. Material and Method: Stroke patients from Department Of Physiotherapy and Department of Neurology, Christian Medical College and Hospital,Ludhiana from September to March 2012 were enrolled in the present study. All subjects were registered for demographic data including risk factors and type of stroke. They were assessed for functional ability and quality of life by using Barthel ADL Index(BI). The occurence of shoulder subluxation and shoulder pain were recorded and then were analyzed for the associated factors. Results: Of 100 stroke patients, 68 met the inclusion criteria,24/40 male and 19/28 female patients(63.2%) were found to have shoulder pain and 4/40 male and 3/28 female patients(10.2%) had shoulder subluxation. Shoulder pain was significantly more frequent than subjects with shoulder subluxation.35/68 patients(51.4%) were having infarction type of stroke and 33/68 patients(48.5%) were having hemmorhagic type.65 subjects were dependent on their relatives for daily life activities according to Barthel Index(BI). Conclusion: Post stroke shoulder pain and subluxation were common during the rehabilitation period.Shoulder pain significantly occurred within 6 months after stroke onset and increased risk in patients with shoulder subluxation.
Shoulder Pain, Subluxation, Stroke and Rehabilitation
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