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Effects of Closed Chain Exercises as Early Intervention on Knee Joint Proprioception after Total Knee Arthroplasty

1 Department of Musculoskeletal Sciences, India
2 Sancheti Institute College of Physiotherapy, Pune, India
3 Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation, India
4 Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation, India

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Objective: The objectives of this study were to see effects of closed chain exercises (CCE) as early intervention (post-operative two weeks) and late intervention (post-operative four weeks) till six weeks post TKA on knee joint proprioception.

Method: Pre test post test two group experimental study was utilized. Forty participants with TKA (n=40) participated. Twenty in each group, eight participants from group one and five participants from group two lost to follow up so twenty seven participants (seventeen females and ten males) were included. So, twelve participants were there in group one and fifteen in group two. All participants received CCE five times per week plus Range of motion and strengthening exercises. Early intervention group (group one) received CCE starting two weeks post operatively and late intervention group (group two) four weeks post operatively and continued till six weeks post TKA.

Result: Both the groups showed statistically significant improvement in knee joint proprioception after six weeks post TKA after administering CCE (p<0.05) and there was no statistically significant difference between two groups(p>0.05).

Conclusions: CCE improves knee joint proprioception in people with TKA. However, CCE as early intervention did not have additional benefit in improving proprioception after TKA.


Closed Chain Exercises, Knee Joint Proprioception, Total Knee Arthroplasty
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  • Effects of Closed Chain Exercises as Early Intervention on Knee Joint Proprioception after Total Knee Arthroplasty

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S. M. Sabnis
, India
S. V. Patwari
, India
N. S. Bedekar
Department of Musculoskeletal Sciences, India
S. A. Rairikar
Sancheti Institute College of Physiotherapy, Pune, India
A. K. Shyam
Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation, India
P. K. Sancheti
Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation, India


Objective: The objectives of this study were to see effects of closed chain exercises (CCE) as early intervention (post-operative two weeks) and late intervention (post-operative four weeks) till six weeks post TKA on knee joint proprioception.

Method: Pre test post test two group experimental study was utilized. Forty participants with TKA (n=40) participated. Twenty in each group, eight participants from group one and five participants from group two lost to follow up so twenty seven participants (seventeen females and ten males) were included. So, twelve participants were there in group one and fifteen in group two. All participants received CCE five times per week plus Range of motion and strengthening exercises. Early intervention group (group one) received CCE starting two weeks post operatively and late intervention group (group two) four weeks post operatively and continued till six weeks post TKA.

Result: Both the groups showed statistically significant improvement in knee joint proprioception after six weeks post TKA after administering CCE (p<0.05) and there was no statistically significant difference between two groups(p>0.05).

Conclusions: CCE improves knee joint proprioception in people with TKA. However, CCE as early intervention did not have additional benefit in improving proprioception after TKA.


Closed Chain Exercises, Knee Joint Proprioception, Total Knee Arthroplasty
