Effect of Exercise and Short Breaks during Working Hours in Library Professionals with Percieved Neck Pain
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Objective: Effect of exercises and short breaks during working hours in library professionals with perceived neck pain. Introduction: Neck pain is major health problem in modern society. In general population, work related neck pain and dysfunction are common, affecting upto 67% of the general population at some time during their life. A positive relation has been found between various neck disorders and work related risk factors, such as static neck and arm posture, duration of sitting as well as work place design. The neck pain among library professionals has found to be 56%.
Methodology: 40 subjects with mean age 29.8yeras, height 163.13cm and weight 65.46kg were taken from libraries of various colleges of ludhiana. DESIGN: cluster design.
INCLUSION CRITERIA: Library professionals working for at least 20 hours/week, working for at least 1 year in their profession, no one reported regular neck pain.
EXCLUSION CRITERIA : Trauma in cervical region, neuralgic pain, C. Spine tumor , surgery of C. spine, mental retardation, inflammation.
MATERIAlS : North Wick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire (NWPQ)
Result And Conclusion: The result of t-test reveals that there is significant difference between the control group mean (X=28.99) experimental group mean (X=16.53). Hence p<0.05. Thus treatment is effective.
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