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A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Epleys Maneuver over Semont Maneuver in Improving the Quality of Life in Subjects with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

1 SVIMS, Tirupati, India

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Objectives of The Study

1. To know the efficacy of Epley's maneuver in improving the QOL in subjects with PC-BPPV using DHI and VADL. 2. To know the efficacy of Semont maneuver in improving the QOL in subjects with PC-BPPV using DHI and VADL. 3. To know the efficacy of Epley's maneuver over Semont maneuver.

Methodology: 50 subjects with BPPV were randomly divided into two groups, group I received Epley's maneuver (n=25), and group II received Semont maneuver (n=25). Both maneuvers were given therapy with respective procedure for three repetitions per session, one session per day and were given for 5 days in a week for 3 weeks. The questionnaire of DHI and VADL were evaluated on day 1, day7and day21 in both the groups.

Results: After 3 weeks of treatment period, the subjects in group I [Epley's maneuver] had shown statistically significant improvement with the outcome measures at 2.18 F-table value compared with subjects in group II [Semont maneuver].

Conclusion: Epley's maneuver was found to be much effective in improving the quality of life in subjects with PC_BPPV than Semont maneuver.


Bppv, Dhi, Vadls, Dizziness
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  • A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Epleys Maneuver over Semont Maneuver in Improving the Quality of Life in Subjects with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

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G. Sri Durga
SVIMS, Tirupati, India
V. Sri Kumari
SVIMS, Tirupati, India
K. Madhavi
SVIMS, Tirupati, India


Objectives of The Study

1. To know the efficacy of Epley's maneuver in improving the QOL in subjects with PC-BPPV using DHI and VADL. 2. To know the efficacy of Semont maneuver in improving the QOL in subjects with PC-BPPV using DHI and VADL. 3. To know the efficacy of Epley's maneuver over Semont maneuver.

Methodology: 50 subjects with BPPV were randomly divided into two groups, group I received Epley's maneuver (n=25), and group II received Semont maneuver (n=25). Both maneuvers were given therapy with respective procedure for three repetitions per session, one session per day and were given for 5 days in a week for 3 weeks. The questionnaire of DHI and VADL were evaluated on day 1, day7and day21 in both the groups.

Results: After 3 weeks of treatment period, the subjects in group I [Epley's maneuver] had shown statistically significant improvement with the outcome measures at 2.18 F-table value compared with subjects in group II [Semont maneuver].

Conclusion: Epley's maneuver was found to be much effective in improving the quality of life in subjects with PC_BPPV than Semont maneuver.


Bppv, Dhi, Vadls, Dizziness
