A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Epleys Maneuver over Semont Maneuver in Improving the Quality of Life in Subjects with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
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Objectives of The Study
1. To know the efficacy of Epley's maneuver in improving the QOL in subjects with PC-BPPV using DHI and VADL. 2. To know the efficacy of Semont maneuver in improving the QOL in subjects with PC-BPPV using DHI and VADL. 3. To know the efficacy of Epley's maneuver over Semont maneuver.
Methodology: 50 subjects with BPPV were randomly divided into two groups, group I received Epley's maneuver (n=25), and group II received Semont maneuver (n=25). Both maneuvers were given therapy with respective procedure for three repetitions per session, one session per day and were given for 5 days in a week for 3 weeks. The questionnaire of DHI and VADL were evaluated on day 1, day7and day21 in both the groups.
Results: After 3 weeks of treatment period, the subjects in group I [Epley's maneuver] had shown statistically significant improvement with the outcome measures at 2.18 F-table value compared with subjects in group II [Semont maneuver].
Conclusion: Epley's maneuver was found to be much effective in improving the quality of life in subjects with PC_BPPV than Semont maneuver.
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