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Immediate Effects of Active Cycle of Breathing Technique and Conventional Chest Physiotherapy in Subjects with Bronchiectasis - a Comparative Study

1 Srinivas College of Physiotherapy & Research Centre, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
2 SRM College of Physiotherapy& Research Centre, SRM University, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India

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Background: The prevalence of Bronchiectasis in India, is 10 fold increase in in persons with high exposure to Arsenic caused skin lesions in West Bengal in 2005.The prevalence was higher among women than men 71 vs 32/1, 00,000 and increased markedly with age 4/1, 00,000 for people aged 18- 34 years&amp;272/1, 00,000 for those aged 75. Aim: The aim of the study is to compare the Immediate effects of Active Cycle of Breathing Technique and Conventional Chest Physiotherapy in subjects with Bronchiectasis. Methodology: StudyDesign-Experimental Design; Study Type-Comparative Study;Sample Size- 30Subjects; Sampling Method - Convenient Sampling;Sampling Specification - Group A-15 subjects&amp;Group B-15 subjects; Study Setting - Department of TUBERCULOSIS AND CHEST DISEASES, SRM Medical college Hospital&amp;Research centre, Kattankulathur. chennai. Tamilnadu, India. Study Duration - 3 months. Results: Comparing the values of Sputum volume between Group A and Group B, Group B showed a significant difference than Group A. (P<0.05). By comparing the values of Peak expiratory flow rate within the Group A, it shows a significant difference between Pre-test and Post-test values (P<0.05). By comparing the values of Peak expiratory flow rate within the Group B, it shows a significant difference between Pre-test and Post-test values (P<0.05).By comparing the values of Peak expiratory flow rate between the Group A and Group B, there was no significant difference between Pre-test and Post-test values (P>0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study thus concluded that subjects who underwent Conventional Chest Physiotherapy showed good improvement in their Sputum clearance than subjects who underwent Active Cycle of Breathing Technique and there was a good improvement between Pre and Post Peak expiratory flow rate with both Conventional Chest Physiotherapy and Active Cycle of Breathing Technique.Thus, this study will be useful for selection of intervention in subjects with Bronchiectasis.


Active Cycle of Breathing Technique, Bronchiectasis, Peak Flow Meter, Chest Physiotherapy
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  • Immediate Effects of Active Cycle of Breathing Technique and Conventional Chest Physiotherapy in Subjects with Bronchiectasis - a Comparative Study

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S. Ram Anand
Srinivas College of Physiotherapy & Research Centre, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
D. Anandhi
SRM College of Physiotherapy& Research Centre, SRM University, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India


Background: The prevalence of Bronchiectasis in India, is 10 fold increase in in persons with high exposure to Arsenic caused skin lesions in West Bengal in 2005.The prevalence was higher among women than men 71 vs 32/1, 00,000 and increased markedly with age 4/1, 00,000 for people aged 18- 34 years&amp;272/1, 00,000 for those aged 75. Aim: The aim of the study is to compare the Immediate effects of Active Cycle of Breathing Technique and Conventional Chest Physiotherapy in subjects with Bronchiectasis. Methodology: StudyDesign-Experimental Design; Study Type-Comparative Study;Sample Size- 30Subjects; Sampling Method - Convenient Sampling;Sampling Specification - Group A-15 subjects&amp;Group B-15 subjects; Study Setting - Department of TUBERCULOSIS AND CHEST DISEASES, SRM Medical college Hospital&amp;Research centre, Kattankulathur. chennai. Tamilnadu, India. Study Duration - 3 months. Results: Comparing the values of Sputum volume between Group A and Group B, Group B showed a significant difference than Group A. (P<0.05). By comparing the values of Peak expiratory flow rate within the Group A, it shows a significant difference between Pre-test and Post-test values (P<0.05). By comparing the values of Peak expiratory flow rate within the Group B, it shows a significant difference between Pre-test and Post-test values (P<0.05).By comparing the values of Peak expiratory flow rate between the Group A and Group B, there was no significant difference between Pre-test and Post-test values (P>0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study thus concluded that subjects who underwent Conventional Chest Physiotherapy showed good improvement in their Sputum clearance than subjects who underwent Active Cycle of Breathing Technique and there was a good improvement between Pre and Post Peak expiratory flow rate with both Conventional Chest Physiotherapy and Active Cycle of Breathing Technique.Thus, this study will be useful for selection of intervention in subjects with Bronchiectasis.


Active Cycle of Breathing Technique, Bronchiectasis, Peak Flow Meter, Chest Physiotherapy
