Effect of Short Duration Electrical Stimulation on Aerobic Efficiency of the Muscle
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Use of electrical stimulation for the gain in these attributes dates back to 1960.But the entire all the protocol for increase in aerobic efficiency of the muscle are unrealistic in approach as they are long duration. One of the short duration electrical stimulation study reported significant changes at the histological level of the muscle. Does the alterations induced by electrical stimulation at histological level of muscle is also reflected back in better aerobic conditioning of the muscle? This study is an attempt to find the answer to this question.
An experimental study was done with a different subject design.
35 healthy untrained males and females were selected. [20 males, 15 females] A standardized exercise test on a cycle ergometer was performed. Gas exchange data was collected continuously using an automated breath by breath system (Vista Turbo Trainer, Vacumed, CA, U.S.A.) to determine Ventilation VE (BTPS), O2 uptake VO2 (STPD), VCO2 (STPD), Respiratory Exchange Ratio (R =VCO2/VO2). Delta Efficiency was calculated using Weir's equation. Ten males and five females were electro stimulated on both quadriceps muscles with a frequency of 50 Hz, rectangular biphasic waveform 1:1 duty cycle, with current intensity comfortable to the subject for a total of 20 min a day, 3 days a week for 4 weeks. Remaining 20 subjects were assigned to a control group. The parameters were again measured after 4 weeks for experimental group.
Experimental Group showed significant increase in Delta efficiency (at p<0.01). Experimental group also showed significant differences in Delta efficiency (at p<0.001) when compared to control group. Intramuscular changes appear to be important factor in determining adaptation to the endurance training. Electrical stimulation program of practical applicability with low number of sessions that too with minimal discomfort to the patient/ athlete can be a successful application in clinical and sports medicine situations.
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