Efficacy of Dynamic Muscular Stabilization Techniques (DMST) over Conventional Techniques in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain
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Background: The low back pain (LBP) is a multifactorial, its treatment varies considerably. It includes medication, physical therapy modalities and exercise therapy with each having several interventions. In spite of their effectiveness, their head-to-head comparisons are limited. This study was aimed for one such comparison.
Methods A total of 77 patients, 20-40 years of age, with sub-acute or chronic LBP were randomized in two groups and treated either by Conventional treatment a combination of two electro therapy (ultrasound and short wave diathermy) and one exercise therapy (lumbar strengthening exercises) and dynamic muscular stabilization techniques (DMST) an active approach of stabilizing training.
Results The average demographic characteristics such as Age, Weight, Height, Waist circumference, Hip circumference, Body mass index, Blood pressure systolic, Blood pressure diastolic, Duration and Rest due to LBP at baseline of two groups were found to be similar (P>0.05). The average level of pain, back pressure changes, abdominal pressure changes, walking, stair climbing, stand ups and quality of life improved more (P<0.01) in DMST than CONV. The DMST also improved sexual frequency (14.97%) and decreased recurrence (55.12%) more than conventional.
Conclusion Study concluded that both treatments are effective in the management of LBP but recommends DMST intervention in their daily clinical practices.
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