Health Related Quality of Life in Chronic Non Specific Low Back Pain Individuals with Type II Diabetes
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Quality of life (QOL) is increasingly recognized as a key outcome of evaluation research. The SF-36 is a well-validated health status instrument measuring eight different health concepts for measuring HRQOL. Now a day, a work is needed to reliably and accurately measure health-related quality of life among individuals with chronic non-specific LBP with type II Diabetes in the community setting to optimize the effects of increasingly complex and intensive treatments for it.
Our aim of this study was to compare health status measured by SF-36 in Chronic Low Back Pain individuals with type-2 diabetics and non diabetics.
In the present Observational Study a HRQOL questionnaire (generic SF-36v2) was administered to fifty (30 males and 20 Females) out patients of either sex, aged above 40 years with Chronic non specific Low back pain (LBP) with or without type II diabetes and selectively assigned to 1 of 2 groups: a group consists of 25 Non-Diabetics and a matched group consists 25 controlled Type II Diabetics of atleast 4 years of duration.
Results revealed Health Related Quality of Life was affected in all the participants but it was more affected in group 2 than group 1. Furthermore, on comparing the health status of group 1 with group 2 showed that mental health in group 2 was significantly affected than Physical health in group 1.
Diabetes significantly affects "Health Related Quality Of Life" in individuals with Non specific LBP. Mental Health is significantly affected than Physical Health in individuals with Non specific LBP and Type II Diabetes.
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