The Effect of Severity on the Isokinetic Strength in Knee Osteoarthritis (OA)
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To determine the relationship of torque measures of knee flexors to extensor muscles developed as a result of dysfunction and disease in knee Osteoarthritis (OA) and does the maximum peak torque measures change in patients with knee OA compared to healthy normal subjects.
Materials and Methods
30 patients with the symptomatic osteoarthritic knees (age 40 - 60 yrs) were divided into 3 groups. Group1 - 10 Subjects exhibiting symptomatology and radiologic findings of knee OA. Group2 - 10 Subjects having knee joint pain without any radiologic evidence of knee OA. Group3 - 10 Healthy subjects. Subjects in all the 3 groups performed concentric contractions of knee flexors and extensors that include 4 repetitions at 60 deg/sec, 10 reps at 120 deg/sec and 20 reps at 180 deg/sec. Values of maximum peak torque of flexors and extensors and maximum peak torque hamstring to quadriceps ratio were recorded after each session.
Significant difference was found in maximum peak torque of flexors and extensors among 3 groups of subjects but no significant difference for ratio was observed among 3 groups. Values of maximum peak torque measures decreased with increasing speed of shortening and the hamstring to quadriceps values increased with increasing speed of shortening.
There is equal strength loss of both the muscles in patients with knee osteoarthritis, so hamstring strengthening exercises should be incorporated along with quadriceps strengthening exercise in rehabilitation plan of knee OA.
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