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A Study of Correlation between Depression, Fatigue and Intelligence in Parkinson's Patients

1 Department of Physiotherapy, G.S. Medical College, Parel, Mumbai, India

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Purpose of the Study: To evaluate depression, fatigue, intelligence in Parkinson patients and find if correlation exists between them and the disease severity.

Material and Methods: 30 patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) on conservative treatment and who could answer various questionnaire by themselves were selected. Patients with any other neurological disorder or complications were excluded. Patients were assessed on the UPDRS, Hoen and Yahr scale and Schawb and England scale and then were asked questions from the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) which gave a total score of depression. The patients were assessed for intelligence by the MMSE. The patients were then asked questions from the 'Fatigue Severity Scale'.

Results: Data were analysed by the statistical test of "Correlation coefficient" and results were obtained as follows: Positive correlation between depression and disease severity. Negative correlation between intelligence and disease severity, between depression and intelligence and fatigue and activities of daily living. 63.3% patients severely affected on BDE. 40% mild to moderately affected on MMSE.

Conclusion: There is a definite non motor / Psychological affection in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.

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  • A Study of Correlation between Depression, Fatigue and Intelligence in Parkinson's Patients

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A. Phansalkar Archana
Department of Physiotherapy, G.S. Medical College, Parel, Mumbai, India
Saraswati Iyer
Department of Physiotherapy, G.S. Medical College, Parel, Mumbai, India


Purpose of the Study: To evaluate depression, fatigue, intelligence in Parkinson patients and find if correlation exists between them and the disease severity.

Material and Methods: 30 patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) on conservative treatment and who could answer various questionnaire by themselves were selected. Patients with any other neurological disorder or complications were excluded. Patients were assessed on the UPDRS, Hoen and Yahr scale and Schawb and England scale and then were asked questions from the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) which gave a total score of depression. The patients were assessed for intelligence by the MMSE. The patients were then asked questions from the 'Fatigue Severity Scale'.

Results: Data were analysed by the statistical test of "Correlation coefficient" and results were obtained as follows: Positive correlation between depression and disease severity. Negative correlation between intelligence and disease severity, between depression and intelligence and fatigue and activities of daily living. 63.3% patients severely affected on BDE. 40% mild to moderately affected on MMSE.

Conclusion: There is a definite non motor / Psychological affection in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.