Effect of Deep Cranio-cervical Flexors Training over Isometric Neck Exercises in Chronic Neck Pain and Disability
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Title: Effect of Deep Cranio-Cervical Flexor Training over Isometric Neck Exercise in Chronic Neck Pain and Disability
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a low load DCCF training program is effective in reduction of intensity of pain and perceived neck disability over conventional Isometric neck Exercise (INE) in subjects with chronic neck pain.
Methods: Fifty female between the ages of 17 to 25 years, with chronic non-severe neck pain were randomized into experimental or control group: a low load DCCF training plus conventional INE or only conventional INE respectively for 4 week exercise program. The outcome measures were VAS for intensity of neck pain and NDI for neck disability.
Results: At the end of 4th week follow-up assessment, the experimental group showed no statistical significant difference in reduction of pain intensity and percieved disability compared with the control group
Conclusion: There is no additional effectiveness of low load DCCF training over isometric neck strengthening exercise on chronic pain and disability.
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