A Study of Physical Fitness Level in Asthmatic Children as Compared to Normal Children
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Background: Since decades there is a lack of firm conclusion and there are controversial evidences about the physical fitness in Asthmatics as compared to their healthy counterparts.
Objective: To assess physical fitness in Asthmatics and to compare it with normal school children of 15 to 16 years of age.
Study design: 50 normal and 50 diagnosed mild to moderate Asthmatics completed physical fitness assessment which included 1. Six minute walk test(6MWT) 2. Muscular strength and endurance and 3.Flexibility.
Results: Comparison of rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) at varies time intervals between Asthmatic and Normal children has shown significant (p < 0.05) differences. PEFR was low in asthmatics at all time intervals. RPE was significantly higher in asthmatics following 6MWT.The mean distance covered by Asthmatics was less (568.14) compared to Normal's (693.32 ) with 6MWT. There was no significant difference in muscle strength between two groups however normal's performed better with pushups. Flexibility in asthmatics was significantly lower compared to normals.
Conclusion: Asthmatics have lower physical fitness level than Normal children
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