Effect of Nerve Mobilization on Vibration Perception Threshold in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
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Purpose of the study: To determine the effects of Nerve Mobilisation on Vibration Perception Threshold (VPT) in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.
Materials and Methods: 30 male subjects with VPT > 25, mean height of 175.93 and mean weight of 82.53 kg on the basis of thorough assessment and after signing informed consent were randomly divided into experimental and control group. The vibration perception Threshold was measured on all the four points on the plantar aspect of the foot i.e. pulp of the toe and 1st, 3rd and 5th metatarsal heads bilaterally for both the groups on Day 1 prior to treatment.
The subjects in the experimental group were given Tibial nerve mobilization bilaterally. This procedure was continued for a total of 21 days. The subjects in the control group were not given any intervention.
Dependent Variables: VPT readings at great toe and 1st, 3rd and 5th metatarsal head.
The subjects in both the groups were reassessed for Vibration Perception Threshold on the 21st Day. The post- test measurements of VPT were then compared with the pre - test ones and the appropriate data analysis was done.
Results: It was found that the subjects who were given tibial nerve mobilization showed reduction in VPT scores .
Conclusion: Nerve mobilisation may be an effective technique for delaying the diabetes related peripheral neuropathy, if detected at its earlier stages. This will ultimately help in preservation of the vibration sense of the foot and consequently reduce or delay the incidence of the devastating effects such as foot ulceration which may lead to foot amputation.
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