Anxiety, Domains of Quality of Life and Hypertension: A Correlational Study
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Hypertension is one of the most important non-communicable diseases which are associated with considerable mortality and morbidity. The higher degree of anxiety leads to poor blood pressure control which may cause cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, retinal and renal problems and ultimately worsens the quality of life. So, the present study examined the relationship of anxiety with quality of life among hypertensives. For this purpose, a total sample of 60 clinically diagnosed hypertensives were selected from the age bracket of 35-55 years. The tools used were State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for measuring anxiety levels and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-BREF to measure the quality of life. The results show a negative and significant association of state anxiety and trait anxiety with the different domains of quality of life i.e. physical health, psychological, social relationships and environmental among hypertensives. The results suggest that degree of anxiety must be addressed in order to improve the quality of life among hypertensives.
state anxiety , trait anxiety , quality of life and hypertensives
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