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Role of Coping Resources and Gender on Psychological W ell-being among Frontline Physicians

1 Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garwar e Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharasthra, India

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The present study was an endeavour to investigate the role of coping resources and gender among frontline physicians with reference to their psychological well-being. Eighty frontline physicians (40 males & 40 females) participated in the present study . The purposive sample of this study comprised of 80 frontline physicians from various government and non government hospitals. Psychological Well-being Scale (Sisodia & Choudhary, 2012) and Coping Resources Inventory (Marting & Hammer, 2004) with five subscale each was employed. Findings of the 2 x 2 ANOV A revealed that coping resources significantly affect the level of psychological well-being where gender difference is insignificant for psychological well-being among frontline physicians. No interaction effect on psychological well-being scores of coping resources and gender was found


Psychological Well-being, Coping Resources, Frontline Physicians and Gender.
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  • Role of Coping Resources and Gender on Psychological W ell-being among Frontline Physicians

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Aliya Ismail Nadaf
Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garwar e Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharasthra, India
Vinayak M. Honmore
Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garwar e Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharasthra, India


The present study was an endeavour to investigate the role of coping resources and gender among frontline physicians with reference to their psychological well-being. Eighty frontline physicians (40 males & 40 females) participated in the present study . The purposive sample of this study comprised of 80 frontline physicians from various government and non government hospitals. Psychological Well-being Scale (Sisodia & Choudhary, 2012) and Coping Resources Inventory (Marting & Hammer, 2004) with five subscale each was employed. Findings of the 2 x 2 ANOV A revealed that coping resources significantly affect the level of psychological well-being where gender difference is insignificant for psychological well-being among frontline physicians. No interaction effect on psychological well-being scores of coping resources and gender was found


Psychological Well-being, Coping Resources, Frontline Physicians and Gender.
