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Effectiveness of Benson Relaxation and Supportive Therapy among PCOD Women

1 Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) is a common endocrine disorder that had been identified among Women of the reproductive age group. Clinical symptoms are excess androgen, polycystic ovaries and ovarian disorder. It disrupts the Emotional and Social Well-being of these women. The complications include anxiety, depression, other mood disturbances and also undermining their social well-being. Emotional and Social functioning are affected at a greater rate in comparison to physical functioning areas in PCOS women. The aim of the research was to study the Effectiveness of Benson Relaxation Therapy and Supportive Therapy on Emotional and Social Well-being among PCOS Women. Before-After-Follow up Experimental Design was followed. 100 PCOS women were selected using Purposive sampling method. The results were analysed by SPSS 21st version using Descriptive statistics, Repeated Measures of Analysis of Variance and Bonferroni Post-hoc test. The results indicated that Emotional and Social well-being were enhanced by the Intervention. This depicts the effectiveness of Benson relaxation therapy and Supportive Therapy on Emotional and Social Well-being among PCOS women. The intervention applied had reduced psychological symptoms of Emotional and Social Well-being which might support the Gynecologist in treating the clinical symptoms among PCOS women. This research concludes that clinical features of PCOS affect the Emotional and Social Well-being women with PCOS, and the application of the Intervention would be fruitful in enhancing their physical and mental health.


PCOS Women, Emotional, Social Well-Being, Benson Relaxation Therapy, Supportive Therapy.
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  • Effectiveness of Benson Relaxation and Supportive Therapy among PCOD Women

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U.K. Kamathenu
Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
R. Nithya
Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
A. Velayudhan
Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) is a common endocrine disorder that had been identified among Women of the reproductive age group. Clinical symptoms are excess androgen, polycystic ovaries and ovarian disorder. It disrupts the Emotional and Social Well-being of these women. The complications include anxiety, depression, other mood disturbances and also undermining their social well-being. Emotional and Social functioning are affected at a greater rate in comparison to physical functioning areas in PCOS women. The aim of the research was to study the Effectiveness of Benson Relaxation Therapy and Supportive Therapy on Emotional and Social Well-being among PCOS Women. Before-After-Follow up Experimental Design was followed. 100 PCOS women were selected using Purposive sampling method. The results were analysed by SPSS 21st version using Descriptive statistics, Repeated Measures of Analysis of Variance and Bonferroni Post-hoc test. The results indicated that Emotional and Social well-being were enhanced by the Intervention. This depicts the effectiveness of Benson relaxation therapy and Supportive Therapy on Emotional and Social Well-being among PCOS women. The intervention applied had reduced psychological symptoms of Emotional and Social Well-being which might support the Gynecologist in treating the clinical symptoms among PCOS women. This research concludes that clinical features of PCOS affect the Emotional and Social Well-being women with PCOS, and the application of the Intervention would be fruitful in enhancing their physical and mental health.


PCOS Women, Emotional, Social Well-Being, Benson Relaxation Therapy, Supportive Therapy.
