Existential Vacuum, Academic Motivation, Post-traumatic Growth, and Self-efficacy among College Students in a Post-pandemic Situation
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The recent Covid pandemic has impacted students' life in various aspects and hence it has confirmed the necessity to explore whether students find their life meaningful. Digesting a sudden shift and adapting to new patterns of learning could have challenged the academic motivation and self-efficacy of students. The post-traumatic growth in students, after this crisis, can have some contribution to the coping process too. However, the need for exploring relationships among these variables for college students highlights the importance of such a study in post-pandemic situations. The aim of the present research is to study Existential Vacuum, Academic Motivation, Post Traumatic Growth, and Self efficacy among college students in Post-Pandemic situations. A total of 140 students (n=140) of age range 20-25 years from various colleges were selected for the study. The data was collected in an online and offline manner. Purpose in Life Scale, Academic Motivation Scale, Post-traumatic Growth Inventory, and Students Self Efficacy Scale - were given to all the participants. Data Analysis was done using Pearson Product Moment Correlation to predict the relationship between the variables using SPSS. The found correlation coefficient between Existential Vacuum and Academic motivation was .288, between Existential Vacuum and Post-traumatic Growth was .433, and between Existential Vacuum and Self-efficacy was .418 and all coefficients were significant at 0.01 (p < .01) level.
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