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Increase Enterprise Services and Process Performance using Machine Learning and Continuous Micro-Coaching

1 Service Now, United States

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Perfection is an ambitious goal. However, it's right to say that in-Service Management we aspire to do the best we possibly can. We improve our performance through practice, but for real acceleration, we need to take a fresh approach. "IT is the backbone of the modern enterprise" - if this is the case and we demand a consistently high level of performance from our IT staff now is the time to think about how best to achieve this. With the use of a continuous micro-coaching coupled with machine learning, employees can now be evaluated and coachedby providing instance learning and feedback in real time so as to improve process performance.


ITSM, Service Management, CSI (Continual Service Improvement) Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
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  • Increase Enterprise Services and Process Performance using Machine Learning and Continuous Micro-Coaching

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Manjeet Singh
Service Now, United States


Perfection is an ambitious goal. However, it's right to say that in-Service Management we aspire to do the best we possibly can. We improve our performance through practice, but for real acceleration, we need to take a fresh approach. "IT is the backbone of the modern enterprise" - if this is the case and we demand a consistently high level of performance from our IT staff now is the time to think about how best to achieve this. With the use of a continuous micro-coaching coupled with machine learning, employees can now be evaluated and coachedby providing instance learning and feedback in real time so as to improve process performance.


ITSM, Service Management, CSI (Continual Service Improvement) Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
