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Energy Efficient Protocol for Lifetime Prediction of Wireless Sensor Network Using Multivariate Polynomial Regression Model
The sensor network performs gathering, monitoring, and tracking of objects in the given area. The sensor nodes are normally distributed randomly in the network area for collecting the information. The major issues in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are coverage, energy, and limited resources. Sensor Nodes’ (SN) performance depends on so many parameters but normally depends on Residual Energy (RE) and Distance from the base station. The Cluster Head (CH) cooperatively communicates with Base Station (BS) via routing protocols. The proposed Energy Efficient Multilevel Region Based (EEMRB) protocol performs the task by partitioning the entire network area into multiple levels and sub-levels. The sub-levels are partitioned to perform clusters to communicate the sensor via CH (s) using single/multi-hop communication to BS. The proposed protocol is compared with the Stable Election Protocol and shows improvement in network lifetime. Based on the proposed protocol data set, a Multivariate Polynomial Regression (MPR) Model is proposed to predict network lifetime. The model uses packet size and node density as network design parameters. The simulation results show that the size of the packet and network area play a major role in network lifetime. Therefore, the lifetime of the predicted model and EEMRB protocol are close to each other. This prediction model is suitable for the prediction of any network area's lifetime.
Base Station, Cluster Head, Coverage and Connectivity, Residual Energy, Sensor Node Density.
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