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Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus) Seed Planter Parameters Optimization using Response Surface Methodology

1 Anand Agricultural University, Campus Dahod 389 151, Gujarat, India
2 2PAE, Anand Agricultural University, Campus Dahod 389 151, Gujarat, India
3 PAE, Anand Agricultural University, Campus Dahod 389 151, Gujarat, India
4 CAET, Anand Agricultural University, Campus Godhra 389 001, Gujarat, India

Precision sowing of a seed by a planter requires seed singulation by metering device and placement of that in soil. Pneumatic planters are more popular among precision planters due to their obvious advantages. Design and operating parameters of pneumatic planter needs to be optimized for getting the desired performance from the planter. A picking type pneumatic metering mechanism was developed at CAET, AAU, Godhra, Gujarat, India. Response Surface Methodology (RSM), a useful optimization technique, was used to optimized the operational parameters viz. forward speed & vacuum pressure and design parameter-nozzle hole diameter of developed planter for radish. Experiments were planned using Central Composite Design (CCD) and conducted in laboratory conditions for radish seeds. The independent parameters chosen for the study were forward speed (0.14, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44 and 0.51 m/s), vacuum pressure (19.33, 29.32, 43.98, 58.64 and 68.63 kN/m2) and nozzle hole diameter (0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 mm) each with 5 levels. The effect of independent parameters was observed by assessing the miss index, multiple index, quality of feed index, and precision. The parameters under study were optimized based on values of miss index, multi index, quality feed index and precision in spacing. It was found that among different variables nozzle hole diameter was most dominating. The optimum values obtained for developed pneumatic planter were 0.23 m/s, 54.15 kN/m2 and 1.00 mm for forward speed, vacuum pressure, and nozzle hole diameter, respectively for radish seeds. The study can be utilized for getting the optimum performance of planter for different crops, which will not only help in precisely sowing of seeds, but also result in seed saving.


Central composite design, Picking type mechanism, Pneumatic planter, Precision machine, Singulation of seed
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Abstract Views: 494

  • Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus) Seed Planter Parameters Optimization using Response Surface Methodology

Abstract Views: 494  | 


S K Patel
Anand Agricultural University, Campus Dahod 389 151, Gujarat, India
J B Bhimani
2PAE, Anand Agricultural University, Campus Dahod 389 151, Gujarat, India
B K Yaduvanshi
PAE, Anand Agricultural University, Campus Dahod 389 151, Gujarat, India
P Gupta
CAET, Anand Agricultural University, Campus Godhra 389 001, Gujarat, India


Precision sowing of a seed by a planter requires seed singulation by metering device and placement of that in soil. Pneumatic planters are more popular among precision planters due to their obvious advantages. Design and operating parameters of pneumatic planter needs to be optimized for getting the desired performance from the planter. A picking type pneumatic metering mechanism was developed at CAET, AAU, Godhra, Gujarat, India. Response Surface Methodology (RSM), a useful optimization technique, was used to optimized the operational parameters viz. forward speed & vacuum pressure and design parameter-nozzle hole diameter of developed planter for radish. Experiments were planned using Central Composite Design (CCD) and conducted in laboratory conditions for radish seeds. The independent parameters chosen for the study were forward speed (0.14, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44 and 0.51 m/s), vacuum pressure (19.33, 29.32, 43.98, 58.64 and 68.63 kN/m2) and nozzle hole diameter (0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 mm) each with 5 levels. The effect of independent parameters was observed by assessing the miss index, multiple index, quality of feed index, and precision. The parameters under study were optimized based on values of miss index, multi index, quality feed index and precision in spacing. It was found that among different variables nozzle hole diameter was most dominating. The optimum values obtained for developed pneumatic planter were 0.23 m/s, 54.15 kN/m2 and 1.00 mm for forward speed, vacuum pressure, and nozzle hole diameter, respectively for radish seeds. The study can be utilized for getting the optimum performance of planter for different crops, which will not only help in precisely sowing of seeds, but also result in seed saving.


Central composite design, Picking type mechanism, Pneumatic planter, Precision machine, Singulation of seed