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IoT with Integrated Architecture
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The ‘Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)’ and Wireless-Sensor Networks, (WSNs) (Ivana, 2017) which are one among the main technologies while characterization of ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’ that shape an ‘Integrated Network’ well-known as RFID-Sensor Networks (RSNs) (Al-Fagih, 2013). These networks represent an assorted platform enabling lot many applications in the context of IoT. The outcomes of this particular aspect are additional to ‘functional’, ‘scalable’, and ‘cost-effective’, when this assorted platform is explored. The main drawback of most ‘Integrated RSN architectures’ existing in literature, in typical, functionally leaning and fail to realize challenges presented by ‘Ultra-large-scale deployments’ in requisites of economic, interoperability and connectivity. In the current wireless topologies with ordinary integration called ‘Courier Nodes (CNs)’ are not successful in efficient utilization of ever-present components. Some of the examples of CNs comprise handheld-devices, smart phone, on-board transceiver automobiles, and public-transit systems with full or partially deterministic mobility traces. CNs is important in facilitating the whole host of IoT functionalities. In this work, an argument has been done that an (Al-Fagih, 2013) IoT setting is always characterized by i) The ability to identify ii) Seamless integration iii) Ubiquitous connectivity and iv) Delay-tolerance.
Internet of Things (IoT), Light Nodes, Networking, RFID, Wireless-Sensor Networks (WSNs).
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