A Survey on Big Data Security:Issues, Challenges and Techniques
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As the big data world is increasing day by day, the concern for its security is also becoming one of the major concerns in today’s technology. Advances which took place recently have brought big data in huge demand which have given rise to the data to be outsourced as well as the third party dealing with the business applications. This has also caused the security and the privacy of big data to become a concern factor. This paper provides a thorough and comprehensive review of existing and proposed security and privacy issues in the environment of big data. The work done in this paper leads to the identification of five attributes of security and privacy which are confidentiality, integrity, availability, privacy-preservability, and accountability. In this research paper, the main focus is on the security issues related to big data, hadoop, map reduce framework, HDFS.
Big Data, Blockchain, Map Reduce, Privacy, Security.
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