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Singh, Shailendra

  • Psychological Capital and Citizenship Behavior: Evidence from Telecom Sector in India

  • Linking Leadership to Employee Creativity: A Study of Indian R&D Laboratories

  • Leader-Member Exchange & Perceived Organizational Justice - An Empirical Investigation

  • Date Rape

  • New Horizon of Marketing (E-Marketing)

  • The Efficient Use of Databases for Protein Structure Determination

  • Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using Neural Network

  • Employee Involvement & Flexible Role Orientation:A Moderated Mediated Model

  • Organizational Citizenship Behavior & Employee Well-Being

  • Integrating Business-Society Dichotomy through Spiritual Lens

  • Increasing Resilience Reservoir: Experience of Senior Corporate Executives

  • Work-life Benefits & Employee Well-being: Role of Perceived Organizational Support & Selfefficacy

  • Strategic Leadership & Business Performance- A Mediation Model