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Current Science Vol 118, No 4 (2020) Aquarius cordifolius (L.) Christenh. & Byng (Alismataceae), an Invasive Alien Species:Its Introduction, Colonization and Plausible Threats in India Abstract   PDF
Anant Kumar, W. Arisdason
Current Science Vol 110, No 4 (2016) Aquilaria malaccensis Fruit Borer in Peninsular Malaysia Abstract   PDF
S. P. Ong, K. H. Lau
Current Science Vol 114, No 02 (2018) Arabidopsis Natural Variants and the Indian Scenario Abstract   PDF
Sribash Roy
Journal of Geological Society of India (Online archive from Vol 1 to Vol 78) Vol 34, No 3 (1989) Arculacythereis indoarabica, A New Species of Ostracoda from the Miani Creek, Saurashtra Coast Abstract
S. C. Khosla
Current Science Vol 112, No 04 (2017) Arenaria thangoensis W.W.Sm. (Caryophyllaceae), a Threatened Species Hitherto Considered Endemic to Sikkim Rediscovered from the Western Himalaya, India Abstract   PDF
Satish Chandra, D. S. Rawat
Indian Forester Vol 95, No 2 (1969) Argemone mexicana L. Forma Leiocarpa (Green), G.B. Ownb.- a New Record from India Abstract
I. S. Grover, C. P. Malik
Indian Forester Vol 116, No 7 (1990) Argemone mexicana Linn. a New Record for Bhutan Abstract
Indian Forester Vol 107, No 7 (1981) Argemone ochroleuca Sweet a New Record for Jammu and Kashmir State Abstract
J. L. Karihaloo, A. K. Wakhlu, Irshad Ahmed
Indian Forester Vol 95, No 7 (1969) Argemone subfusiformis Ownbey (Papaveraceae)-A New Record for India Abstract
C. P. Malik, I. S. Grover
Indian Forester Vol 111, No 9 (1985) Aristobia horridula Hope (Coleoptera: Lamidae) a new pest of Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) in West Bengal Abstract
S. C. Mishra, Vijay Veer, Avinash Chandra
Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 3, No 3 (2013) Artemisia capillaris:Medicinal uses and Future Source for Commercial Uses from Western Himalaya of Uttrakhand Abstract
Rakesh K. Joshi
Indian Forester Vol 136, No 4 (2010) Artocarpus dadah Miq. (Moraceae) - a New Distributional Record for India from Andaman Islands Abstract
G. K. Upadhyay, A. A. Ansari
Indian Forester Vol 49, No 5 (1923) Artocarpus hirsuta as an Underwood for Teak Abstract
J. M. Sweet
Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol 48, No 01 (2022) Ascochyta rabiei Infections Modify Expression of Chickpea Invertase Genes Differentially in Contrasting Genotypes Abstract   PDF
Bharti Shree, Rajeev Rathour, Kamal Dev Sharma
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Vol 2, No 4 (2010) Ashtavarga:Eight Miraculous Herbs Abstract
V. V. Buchake, R. S. Bachhav, R. B. Rode, S. S. Aher, A. P. Muthal, B. V. Dhokchawle, R. B. Saudagar
Current Science Vol 120, No 3 (2021) Aspergillus aeneus Rediscovered in India from an Extreme Habitat Abstract   PDF
Skarma Nonzom, Geeta Sumbali
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol 5, No 7 (2012) Aspergillus niger Biosensor Based on Tin Oxide (SnO2) Nanostructures: Nanopowder and Thin Film Abstract   PDF
E. Azhir, R. Etefagh, N. Shahtahmasebi, M. Mohammadi, D. Amiri, R. Sarhaddi
Indian Forester Vol 113, No 7 (1987) Aspidopterys cordata (Heyne Ex Wall.) Juss. an Addition to the Flora of Madhya Pradesh Abstract
P. Singh, K. S. Negi
Journal of Geological Society of India (Online archive from Vol 1 to Vol 78) Vol 71, No 1 (2008) Asteriacites quinquefolius-Asteroid Trace Maker from the Bhuj formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Mainland Kachchh, Western India Abstract
S. J. Patel, N. Y. Bhatt, B. G. Desai
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol 1, No 5 (2008) Asterina dallasica Petrak - a New Record to India Abstract   PDF
V. B. Hosagoudar, M. C. Riju, C. Uma Maheswari
SOCRATES Vol 4, No 4 (2016) "Aurea Mediocritas" the Concepts of Measure, Measurement and Moderation in Presocratic Philosophy Abstract
George Papageorgakis
Current Science Vol 118, No 6 (2020) Averrhoa bilimbi in Organic Transformation:A Highly Efficient and Green Biosurfactant for the Synthesis of Multi-Functional Chromenes and Xanthenes Abstract   PDF
Bhagyashree M. Patil, Snehali R. Mali, Bhimrao M. Patil, Suresh S. Patil
Indian Forester Vol 138, No 5 (2012) Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) : Protein Profiles during Reproductive Phase Abstract
Suhani Sabherwal, K. K. Dhir
Indian Forester Vol 138, No 12 (2012) Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (NEEM) : Reproductive Studies in Relation to Growth Regulator Treatments Abstract
Suhani Sabherwal, K. K. Dhir
Indian Forester Vol 135, No 4 (2009) Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) : Reproductive Studies in Relation to Kinetin Application Abstract
Suhani Sabharwal, K. K. Dhir
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