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Journal Issue Title
Journal of Indian School of Political Economy Vol 19, No 4 (2007) The Co-Operative is Dying, but the Co-Operative Must be Reborn Abstract
Nilakantha Rath
Indian Forester Vol 55, No 9 (1929) The Co-operative Purchase and Sale of Lac in the Orissa Feudatory States Abstract
J. N. Ghosh
Indian Forester Vol 18, No 10 (1892) The Coopers Hill Prize-day Abstract
Indian Forester Vol 68, No 6 (1942) The Coorg Forest Administration Report, 1940-41 Abstract
Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing Vol 7, No 5 (2016) The Coping Patterns of Fathers and Mothers of Children with Disability:A Comparative Study Abstract
Priyanka Behrani, Priyanka Shah
Indian Forester Vol 37, No 8 (1911) The Coppicing Powers of Babul Abstract
J. D. Maitland-kirwan
Artha Vijnana: Journal of The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Vol 5, No 2 (1963) The Core of Price Policy for the Sale of Canal Waters Abstract
B. D. Kanetkar
ANVESHAK-International Journal of Management Vol 6, No 1 (2017) The Corporate Cognitive-Existential Delinking:An Ethical Appraisal Abstract
Anupam Yadav
Indian Forester Vol 79, No 9 (1953) The Correct Identity and Status of Flacourtia ramontchi L'herit. and F. sepiaria Roxb. Abstract
M. B. Raizada
Indian Forester Vol 79, No 8 (1953) The Correct Name of Indian Babul Abstract
M. B. Raizada, R. N. Chatterji
Indian Forester Vol 79, No 12 (1953) The Correct Name of Pipli - (Bucklandia populnea R. Br. ex Griff.) Abstract
M. B. Raizada
Indian Forester Vol 95, No 9 (1969) The Correct Name of the Labiatae Genus Moschosma Reichb. Abstract
S. S. R. Bennet
Indian Journal of Positive Psychology Vol 14, No 2 (2023) The Correlates and Effects of Gratitude in the Life of Indian Adolescents Abstract
Shipra Agrahari, Shubhra Sinha
Current Science Vol 110, No 9 (2016) The Correlation among Y-Index and Other Scientometric Indicators Abstract   PDF
Maryam Shekofteh, Maryam Mohseny, Azam Shahbodaghi, Farid Zayeri, Forough Rahimi
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Vol 11, No 2 (2020) The Correlation Analysis between Hypertension Controlling Factors and Blood Pressure in the Elderly Living in Griya Werdha Retirement Home, Surabaya Abstract
Jaka Surya Hakim, Harmayetty, Laily Hidayati
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Vol 10, No 12 (2019) The Correlation between Child Spacing (Heading), Exclusive Breastfeeding and Parenting with Child Development at First 1000 Days of Life Abstract
Nurlaily Prasetyawati, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Diffah Hanim, Harsono Salimo
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Vol 10, No 12 (2019) The Correlation between Corrosion and Dental Implant Failureā€•A Review Abstract
Vijay Ebenezer
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Vol 11, No 2 (2020) The Correlation between GPX-1 Serum and Hearing Threshold of SLE Patient Post Prednison Therapy Abstract
Ratna Anggraeni, Sally Mahdiani, Nindya Pratita
Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing Vol 2, No 1 (2011) The Correlation between Sports and Self-Esteem, Control Source and Academic Progress of Sportsperson and Non-Sportsperson School Girls Abstract
Abdolmajid Bahreinian, Maryam Yavari Kermani, Hakimeh Aghaei
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Vol 10, No 12 (2019) The Correlation IUDs Use Duration and Types of IUDs with Blood Curprum (Cu) Levels in Women with IUD Contraception: A Cross-Sectional Study Abstract
Didik Agung, Abdul Rohim Tualeka, Denny Ardyanto
Medico-Legal Update Vol 20, No 1 (2020) The Correlation of the Star Excusion Balance test, Star Excusion Balance Test, Visual Feedback Balance Test Abstract
Young-Jin Lim, Byoung-Hyoun Moon, Ji-Won Kim
International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering Vol 11, No 9 (2022) The Corrosion Inhibition Effect of Cerium (III) Ions for X70 Steel in 3% NaCl Medium Abstract   PDF
Current Science Vol 108, No 8 (2015) The Cosmic Cocktail: Three Parts Dark Matter Abstract   PDF
Biman Nath
Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management Vol 3, No 12 (2010) The Cosmic Leader: Lord Ganesh Abstract
Prabhakara Sharma
Journal of Physics & Astronomy Vol 9, No 5 (2021) The Cosmic Microwave Background is Electromagnetic Fog Abstract   PDF
David Rowland
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