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BS 225 impact on the exterior features of the Acipenseridae has been studied. BS 225 is a microbiological preparation containing Bacilus Siamensisas as a basis. The efficiency of its application in sturgeon aquaculture is demonstrated by a scientific and commercial experiment. Each test group of sturgeon underyearlings had its own feeding schedule at a definite dosage. It was proved experimentally that the dosage determines exterior features and essential biological parameters, such as Fulton’s condition factor, fineness ratio, scale factor, thickness ratio and mass buildup. The obtained data confirm that microbiological preparation initiates sturgeon growth, is beneficial for fish exterior features and improves winter resistance, environmental resistance and survivability of fish.


BS 225, Fineness Ratio, Fulton’s Condition Factor, Girth Factor, Probiotics, Sturgeon Aquaculture, Thickness Ratio, Underyearlings