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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of primary teeth with children’s fluoride toothpaste on enamel remineralization. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Sixty enamel specimens were divided into three groups as follows: Group 1 served as the control group, in Group 2, children’s toothpaste without sodium fluoride (NaF) was applied to the teeth three times a day for three min, and in Group 3, children’s fluoride toothpaste (0.243% NaF) was applied to enamel for four weeks. Each primary tooth surface was measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM; JSM-6300, JEOL, Japan). Findings: The children’s toothpaste containing 0.243% NaF promoted the enamel remineralization of the tooth surface from three weeks of treatment. When the surfaces of primary teeth were examined, the surfaces of teeth treated with toothpaste containing NaF were hardened and smooth. This study demonstrated that children’s fluoride toothpaste with NaF contribute to the improvement of children’s oral healthcare. Improvements/Applications: The children’s fluoride toothpaste containing 0.243% NaF suggests surface remineralization and prevents early childhood cavities.


Children’s Toothpaste, Early Childhood Cavities, Fluoride, Primary Tooth, Surface Change.