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Background: The main objective of this paper is to focus on the early prediction of occurrence of cognitive disorders such as Autism, Dyslexia and Delirium among children. The common primary attributes are related to learning, social interaction, behaviour, understanding of objects and so on. Detecting this disorder at an early age is challenge lying among health care specialists, and researchers. Methodology: The proposed prediction method involves the modelling approach such as Meta Heuristic and Fuzzy Cognitive Map named as MEHECOM. Findings: The primary aim of MEHECOM model is to identify the disorders among children as an early measure and support towards early mechanism to alleviate from these disorders. The performance shows that MEHECOM predicts chances of dyslexia and autism disorders at an average of 65.22% compared to 48.7% of FEAST which adopts fuzzy cognitive map and 35.92% of decision tree approach. Applications: This MEHECOM model can be applied for the earlier prediction of all other cognitive disorders like amnesia, dementia etc.


Cognitive Disorders, Early Prediction, Fuzzy Cognitive Map, Meta Heuristic Approach