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Objectives: This article in detail reviews some of the major cultural constructs that are useful in understanding the complexity prevalent in intercultural classroom settings. Cultural constructs such as language and cultural conflicts, inequality, assumptions, poor decision making are addressed to formulate a whole encompassing solution. This paper sheds light on how the confluence of multiple cultures is formed by assimilating different cultural values brought forward by learners and these values are enacted, shaped and strengthened to cultivate a set standard form. Methods: A questionnaire on cultural influence on learning has been administered to elicit responses from the undergraduate learners. Random sampling analysis on 50 responses was carried out. Findings: When poor cultural interaction and communication fuel underperformance and refusal to participate, the formation of ‘normality’ in identity creation which include many cultural differences together under one umbrella provides a synergic learning atmosphere in classrooms. The result depicts that the poor participation of the learners can be assessed as a live response to identity crisis and alienation in order to keep safeguard the identities they have constructed with in a given hostile context. Novelty: Aspects such as institutional characteristics, predominant socio-cultural behavior of the student body and the level of learner flexibility in embracing a new learning environment play vital role in framing intercultural identity formation.


Intercultural Competence, Identity, Integration, Receptiveness, Self-Images.