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Background: The customers always desire to get the required services from a single cloud. It will not provide a high quality of services to the end user because all cloud services are limited to some extent i.e. lack of standard. This problem has been overcome by using the multi-cloud architecture which will provide the high quality of services with reliability. Methods: There are various parameters are analyzed to achieve multi cloud integration. The proposed work focuses on metering control which is a one of the parameter to manage the risk during the time of interaction. Findings: The common deployment model acts as a broker in various cloud interaction to achieve a high quality of services to the customer. The features are extracted from the cloud based on the services which is provided by the service provider. The services are classified and risks are assessed for selecting the suitable services from the cloud. The perfect metering gives the better confident level to the customer using the selected services. There are two essentials implemented in the customer end and provider end they are service control and service registry. The objective of the proposed system is to control the services and its interactions with the supports of cloud metering. Application: The risk assessment has been implemented for assessing the Quality of Service (QoS) with reliable multi-cloud interaction.


Common Deployment Model, Cloud Control, Cloud Services, Metering, Risk Assessment.