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Objectives: Padang-Padang Beach is a potential tourism destination. Every human interaction with tools and environments can cause problems if not handled properly. Ergonomic study is needed to identify those problem potentially harm the workers. Method: The method used in this study is the observation and interviews. Observation was done by observing the Padang-Padang Beach directly using 8 aspect of ergonomic study. Interviews were conducted with lifeguard, merchant, and the few visitors. Findings: Of the eight aspects of ergonomics, the main problem and need a solution urgently are the environmental aspects and aspects of information. On environmental aspects we found that management of the garbage is still lacking, the lack of public toilets on the beach, and the way that cross the cliff to the beach does not have sufficient safety. Management of information on this place also felt not optimal. Furthermore it also needs to improve the knowledge of workers for an ergonomic working position. From those eight aspects of ergonomic we need the right solution to the problem at the Padang-Padang Beach. One of the solution is using the Total Ergonomic Approach. Total Ergonomic Approach is a combination of SHIP (systemic, holistic, interdisciplinary, and Participatory) and AT (Appropriate Technology). We hope that approach can provide the right solution for solving problems and will not create new problems in the future. Novelty: This is original data of ergonomic study on Padang-Padang Beach Worker. This data can be use for further study.


Ergonomic Study, Muscular Work, Nutrition, Padang-Padang Beach, Work Posture