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Background/Objectives: To make Bibliometric analysis on green energy for the period 2011-2017, based on the science citation index database. Methods: The search identified a total of 1000 publication related to green power at this time, publication output patterns, significant journals, international productivity, geographical distribution of authors and author keywords were analyzed using the Histcite software. Findings: The number of publications on green energy increased from 61 in 2011 to 234 in 2016, so far in 2017, a total of 174 papers have been written. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews (37; 3.7%) was the journal with the highest number of documents, followed by applied energy (30.3%) and energy and building (29; 2.9%). China led the productivity ranking with 227 articles, USA ranked second with a total of 187, followed by the UK with 72. The most productive institution was the Chinese Academy Science with a total of 36 publications, developed by University of Chinese Academy of Sciences with 14 and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with 13. The principal authors’ groups concentrated in China and the USA, these countries being the ones that produce the most publications. Green Energy remains the most critical keywords in the period 2011 to 2017, it was noticed a significant increase in the search for keywords after 2014 due to the energy crisis and environmental protection campaigns that have been developing since that year. Application: Statistical methods were used in this work in order to analyze the evolution, and the historical development of the green energy subject, involving some relevant aspect such as the patterns of authorship, volume of publication and citation study.


Bibliometrics, Efficiency, Energy, Green, Impact Factor, Publications