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Coexistence in Displaced and Relocate Communities

1 Department of Social Sciences, Corporación Universitaria Antonio José deSucre − Corposucre, Carrera 21, No 25-59, Sincelejo, Colombia

Objective: To diagnose the State of Coexistence in the Altos de la Sabana Community, located in the Municipality of Sincelejo (Sucre), Colombia. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Research with a quantitative, transversal, descriptive approach, with a population under study made up of 2,182 households, of which − with a confidence level of 95% and an error of 5% − we obtain an optimal sample size equal to 327 households, selected from a systematic random sampling. For the analysis and processing of the information, descriptive statistical elements are used. Findings: After the application and analysis of the proposed diagnosis in the community of Altos de la Sabana, it was possible to demonstrate the existence of problems of coexistence within the conglomerate, demonstrated in conflictive dynamics and moderate participation in activities of community cohesion. From this perspective, problems of a personal nature prevail, with a moderate tendency to participate in activities typical of the cohesion among members of the community. Application/Improvements: In spite of the multiple aids provided to the communities that are victims of displacement in Colombia − within these, the relocation processes−, situations that threaten their physical and emotional wellbeing are still evident, due to the fact that they move to live situations of shock and permanent conflict with neighbors, which are in a similar situation.

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  • Coexistence in Displaced and Relocate Communities

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Andrea Henao Granada
Department of Social Sciences, Corporación Universitaria Antonio José deSucre − Corposucre, Carrera 21, No 25-59, Sincelejo, Colombia
Edinson Jose Martinez Perez
Department of Social Sciences, Corporación Universitaria Antonio José deSucre − Corposucre, Carrera 21, No 25-59, Sincelejo, Colombia
Liliana Rodriguez Tovar
Department of Social Sciences, Corporación Universitaria Antonio José deSucre − Corposucre, Carrera 21, No 25-59, Sincelejo, Colombia
Marilu Tibisay Acurero Luzardo
Department of Social Sciences, Corporación Universitaria Antonio José deSucre − Corposucre, Carrera 21, No 25-59, Sincelejo, Colombia


Objective: To diagnose the State of Coexistence in the Altos de la Sabana Community, located in the Municipality of Sincelejo (Sucre), Colombia. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Research with a quantitative, transversal, descriptive approach, with a population under study made up of 2,182 households, of which − with a confidence level of 95% and an error of 5% − we obtain an optimal sample size equal to 327 households, selected from a systematic random sampling. For the analysis and processing of the information, descriptive statistical elements are used. Findings: After the application and analysis of the proposed diagnosis in the community of Altos de la Sabana, it was possible to demonstrate the existence of problems of coexistence within the conglomerate, demonstrated in conflictive dynamics and moderate participation in activities of community cohesion. From this perspective, problems of a personal nature prevail, with a moderate tendency to participate in activities typical of the cohesion among members of the community. Application/Improvements: In spite of the multiple aids provided to the communities that are victims of displacement in Colombia − within these, the relocation processes−, situations that threaten their physical and emotional wellbeing are still evident, due to the fact that they move to live situations of shock and permanent conflict with neighbors, which are in a similar situation.
