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Improved Problem-Solving Ability after using Interactive Multimedia in Teaching of Ideal Gas

1 Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia

Objectives: To investigate the effect of interactive multimedia in gas ideal teaching on problem-solving ability performance of prospective teacher. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The method used is quasi experiment with pretest-posttest control design. A test of problem solving ability consisting of six essay questions. Sample were selected by random method (probability sampling). The experimental groups of 40 students was taught by interactive multimedia in gas ideal teaching while the control group of 40 students was taught by traditional method. Hypothesis testing is used by the t-tes. Finding: The finding of this study was the experimental classes that are taught with interactive multi-media in gas ideal learning get an average score of problem solving abilities is 80.50 and the control class taught with conventional learning obtains problem solving abilities with an average of 74.96. The data above showed that t count> t table (3,514> 1,667), that the problem-solving ability of students who learned physics using interactive multi-mediabased problem solving was better than of students who learned through conventional methods. In addition, in ideal gas learning based on interactive multimedia students conduct problem solving and physical symptom exercises shown by multi-media, so that they understand physics thoroughly and are skilled at performing problem-solving tasks. Multi-media helped them emphasize and engage actively in problem-solving process as it is related to real materials and real life situations which made it easier for them to remember. Application/Improvements: To improve this media, the involvement of students in problem-solving task and multi-media helps retention of students’ knowledge and motivates interest can be applied to other physical materials.

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  • Improved Problem-Solving Ability after using Interactive Multimedia in Teaching of Ideal Gas

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Sondang R. Manurung
Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Satria Mihardi
Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia


Objectives: To investigate the effect of interactive multimedia in gas ideal teaching on problem-solving ability performance of prospective teacher. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The method used is quasi experiment with pretest-posttest control design. A test of problem solving ability consisting of six essay questions. Sample were selected by random method (probability sampling). The experimental groups of 40 students was taught by interactive multimedia in gas ideal teaching while the control group of 40 students was taught by traditional method. Hypothesis testing is used by the t-tes. Finding: The finding of this study was the experimental classes that are taught with interactive multi-media in gas ideal learning get an average score of problem solving abilities is 80.50 and the control class taught with conventional learning obtains problem solving abilities with an average of 74.96. The data above showed that t count> t table (3,514> 1,667), that the problem-solving ability of students who learned physics using interactive multi-mediabased problem solving was better than of students who learned through conventional methods. In addition, in ideal gas learning based on interactive multimedia students conduct problem solving and physical symptom exercises shown by multi-media, so that they understand physics thoroughly and are skilled at performing problem-solving tasks. Multi-media helped them emphasize and engage actively in problem-solving process as it is related to real materials and real life situations which made it easier for them to remember. Application/Improvements: To improve this media, the involvement of students in problem-solving task and multi-media helps retention of students’ knowledge and motivates interest can be applied to other physical materials.
