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Productivity of Labor Based on Labor Intensive Work for Small Group Contractors in Building Construction Projects in Surabaya, Indonesia

1 Departement of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia

Objectives: To determine the productivity coefficient, differentiate the labor productivity coefficient in the morning and afternoon, differentiate the daily labor and pieceworker productivity and differentiate the labor productivity with the Indonesian National Standard coefficient. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The method used in this study is survey and the object of this study is foreman, chief builder, artisan and coolies. Data collection is conducted by volume measurement and observation. Analyses used are difference test. Findings: The result of this study is for foundation excavation work, the excavation of sand under foundation, excavation of filling used soil and ring beam. The foreman productivity in the average of working hours is greater than Indonesian National Standard (α<5%) while the carpenters and the masons productivity for the work of ring beams in the average working hours are greater than Indonesian National Standard. The foreman productivity in the average working hours is smaller than Indonesian National Standard productivity (α>5%) for the foundation excavation, the excavation of sand under foundation, excavation of filling used soil and ring beam while the daily carpenters and masons and pieceworker contract productivity are smaller than Indonesian National Standard productivity at the work of ring beam. Application: Labor productivity in the industry construction is important to be analyzed, since the success of contractor depends on the cost savings associated with the productivity.

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  • Productivity of Labor Based on Labor Intensive Work for Small Group Contractors in Building Construction Projects in Surabaya, Indonesia

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Feri Harianto
Departement of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia
Mohamad F. N. Aulady
Departement of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia
Mila K. Wardani
Departement of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia


Objectives: To determine the productivity coefficient, differentiate the labor productivity coefficient in the morning and afternoon, differentiate the daily labor and pieceworker productivity and differentiate the labor productivity with the Indonesian National Standard coefficient. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The method used in this study is survey and the object of this study is foreman, chief builder, artisan and coolies. Data collection is conducted by volume measurement and observation. Analyses used are difference test. Findings: The result of this study is for foundation excavation work, the excavation of sand under foundation, excavation of filling used soil and ring beam. The foreman productivity in the average of working hours is greater than Indonesian National Standard (α<5%) while the carpenters and the masons productivity for the work of ring beams in the average working hours are greater than Indonesian National Standard. The foreman productivity in the average working hours is smaller than Indonesian National Standard productivity (α>5%) for the foundation excavation, the excavation of sand under foundation, excavation of filling used soil and ring beam while the daily carpenters and masons and pieceworker contract productivity are smaller than Indonesian National Standard productivity at the work of ring beam. Application: Labor productivity in the industry construction is important to be analyzed, since the success of contractor depends on the cost savings associated with the productivity.
