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Academic Anxiety and Happiness in Relation to Academic Achievement of Adolescents

1 Department of Education & Community Services, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India

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Education is the most important invention of mankind. It has transformed man from 'two legged animal1 into human being. It is a process of human enlightenment and empowerment for the achievement of a better and higher quality of life. It is a never ending process of inner growth and development. Its period stretches from cradle to grave. Child enters the school, studies and achieve in studies, attains maturity in all most every sphere, leaves it and enters the college or university. During his stay in the school, the student is concerned about his academic achievement, his family, peer group and school, put different pressures upon him for excellent achievement. In all this affects his general mental status. There is no doubt that academic achievement is important. But it leads to academic anxiety and unhappiness of the individual. Than it can lead to many psychological problems to an individual. He/she may indulge in self injury or social destruction out of frustration or poor mental health. Hence there is a need to study the relationship between academic achievement and academic anxiety, academic achievement and happiness.


Academic Achievement, Academic Anxiety, Happiness, Adolescents.
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  • Academic Anxiety and Happiness in Relation to Academic Achievement of Adolescents

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Department of Education & Community Services, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Gurmeet Singh
Department of Education & Community Services, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India


Education is the most important invention of mankind. It has transformed man from 'two legged animal1 into human being. It is a process of human enlightenment and empowerment for the achievement of a better and higher quality of life. It is a never ending process of inner growth and development. Its period stretches from cradle to grave. Child enters the school, studies and achieve in studies, attains maturity in all most every sphere, leaves it and enters the college or university. During his stay in the school, the student is concerned about his academic achievement, his family, peer group and school, put different pressures upon him for excellent achievement. In all this affects his general mental status. There is no doubt that academic achievement is important. But it leads to academic anxiety and unhappiness of the individual. Than it can lead to many psychological problems to an individual. He/she may indulge in self injury or social destruction out of frustration or poor mental health. Hence there is a need to study the relationship between academic achievement and academic anxiety, academic achievement and happiness.


Academic Achievement, Academic Anxiety, Happiness, Adolescents.
