Study of Factors Influencing Adoption of Educational Technology in Teaching-Learning Process in Agricultural Universities in India
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Educational Technology (ET) is the use ofboth physical hardware and educational theories. ET has an important role to enhance relationships between teachers and students to provide quality education in an academic institution ecosystem. ET has become both a network of gathering and sharing ideas, and also a platform for research, collaborate, and differentiate in teaching-learning process. Considering the importance of ET in the education system, a study on factors influencing the use of ET in teaching-learning process in agricultural universities is undertaken at two representative Agricultural Universities AUs from North (denoted as A) and South (denoted as B) part of India, covering 60 teachers and 120 students as respondents ofthe study. Study revealed that the majority of the teachers and students had medium level of use of ET for teaching purpose. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that the information seeking behaviour, attitude towards ET and awareness towards ET were positively and significantly associated with teacher's adoption of ET in teaching, where as training needs and mass media exposure were positively and significantly and infrastructure was negatively associated with student's adoption of ET for learning purpose.
Educational Technology, Extent of Adoption, Teaching-Learning Process, Teachers, Students.
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