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Interplay of Transformational Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, HRM Practices and Organisational Innovativeness in the Context of IT Organisations

1 Department of Applied Psychology, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

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The aim of the present study were to explore the interplay of transformational leadership, psychological empowerment, HRM Practices and organisational innovativeness. Asample of Indian IT employees (N =223) took part in this study. They responded to the organisational innovativeness scale, transformational leadership scale, psychological empowerment scale and HRM practices scale. Results indicate that HRM practices, transformational leadership, and psychological empowerment significantly predicted organisational innovativeness. The findings have implications for possible program and policy developments seeking to enhance organisational innovativeness in ITpersonnel in India.


organisational innovativeness, transformational leadership, psychological empowerment, HRM practices.
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  • Interplay of Transformational Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, HRM Practices and Organisational Innovativeness in the Context of IT Organisations

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Km Gulshan
Department of Applied Psychology, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Ajai Pratap Singh
Department of Applied Psychology, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India


The aim of the present study were to explore the interplay of transformational leadership, psychological empowerment, HRM Practices and organisational innovativeness. Asample of Indian IT employees (N =223) took part in this study. They responded to the organisational innovativeness scale, transformational leadership scale, psychological empowerment scale and HRM practices scale. Results indicate that HRM practices, transformational leadership, and psychological empowerment significantly predicted organisational innovativeness. The findings have implications for possible program and policy developments seeking to enhance organisational innovativeness in ITpersonnel in India.


organisational innovativeness, transformational leadership, psychological empowerment, HRM practices.
